10. januar 2018



Join LOVAs workshop on ”The Affective Biopolitics of Migration” that will take place at the Nordic Migration Conference Aug. 15-17, in Norrköping, Sweden.

Submit your paper abstract of maximum 1500 chacters to a workshop, no later than Sunday, February 4th, 2018.
Apply here, where you can also find a description of the workshop (No. 21:The Affective Biopolitics of Migration”)

Description of workshop:
The Affective Biopolitics of Migration

[KEYWORDS: affect, bio/necro-politics, gender, sexuality, kinship]
It has been argued that the governing of migrating bodies increasingly takes place through affective forms of biopolitics (Foucault 2003), be it the politicization of the affective ties of belonging (Yuval- Davis 2011) or the shaping of border politics in the name of love (Ahmed 2004, Puar 2007). In a Nordic context, an emerging body of research examines how migration is governed through love and intimacy. Such studies highlight how affective biopolitical regulation on macro- and micro level is informed by gendered, racialized, and sexualized norms that lead to inclusion and exclusion of specific forms of intimate migration. From the starting point of these perspectives, the workshop on The Affective Biopolitics of Migration aims at investigating new conceptualizations and discursive frameworks to qualify our under- standings of how and to what effect different forms of migration are conceptually and politically governed through affect. Thus, the workshop explores the intersection between migration, emotion and biopolitics through an affect-theoretical, queer-feminist lens. Our aim is to invite an analytical intervention and transdisciplinary foray into the study of the affective aspects of biopolitical migration regulation. Through the foregrounding of affect – empirically as well as theoretically – the workshop hopes to scrutinize how emotion functions as a migration political switch point between the biopolitical and the psychic, the collective and the individual.
We especially wish to invite presentations that focus on:

  • The affective biopolitical governance of migration in relation to gender, sexuality and the precarious body.
  • The bio/necro-political management of family reunification, transnational adoption, surrogacy, and LGBTI migration.
  • Affective constructions of the family, the nation and the citizen.
  • Symbolic representations and imaginings of migrant bodies and biopolitical ‘others’ in mass media and popular culture as well as in counter cultural artistic imagining.